Mixing Patterned Rugs and Fabrics

Often times, Do-It-Yourself interior decorators find themselves in boring, redundant quarters because they feel that every aspect of their design must be exactly coordinated. Here you will see how to tie in drapery, rugs, designs, etc. to each other while breaking the monotony of duplicate patterns by relying on color to bring it all together.


As a designer, I am not afraid of the prospect of mixing a patterned rug, with patterned furniture, and even patterned drapery. I welcome that because of the complexity and the texture that you can weave into the room. The opportunity is much greater if there's that bravery in making selections.

Create Links Through Color
To drive that point home further, is the beauty of strong color, and how it combines two different elements together as long as they have that color ingredient in common. In selecting the first rug, which has only 3 main colors to it, I create a very strong foundation for the space. To illustrate that, a second rug (which of course has a much complex color pallet) sits beautifully with it, whether it's as an entry rug, or an adjacent dining room or just as an companion to this. The fact that the strong element of orange that is in the first rug and found in the second allows all these other shades to work beautifully together. The fact that the rug is well designed, and there is a composition of color that the tomato color works so beautifully with all the shades of green and even the touch of pink and white holds true not to just the rugs that's on top but the fact that that same relationship of green to tomato carries it along and lets it sit happily next to or on top of the rug thats underneath it.

One really wonderful element in a rug that is an unusual color combinations as this is, is that the companion pieces are joined together by their color association.

Avoid Using Two Rugs Of The Same Pattern
There is absolutely no need to feel compelled to find a second rug that's going to be used in the room you're; under a dining room table or a runner or whatever the purpose is to add a second rug to feel that they have to be miniature versions of one another. As a matter of fact I would personally suggest that rather than using a small and large version of the exact same pattern that you take a leap and use a stripe or another kind of geometry. It's the colors that will bond those two rugs together and make them part of a whole that is the rug, rather than the similarity of design.

Assure Durability by Buying Quality
A word about living with rugs with pets and children, and sometimes with adults. Rugs, if they are made correctly, of the finest quality of materials are not nearly as fragile as one might think. I'm often asked as I love to use needle points, that they seem so lightweight and thin, i'm asked about the durability. My experience with accidents and pets is that the rugs are extremely durable. It's always a great idea to have the appropriate kind of cleaning solution handy for the occasional accident, but to know that these rugs have been in homes for sometimes 50-100 years and the same thing is true for one that is well made today. As a matter of fact, the color fastness of our dyes and the better quality of the wool that is used means that those rugs will actually last longer, so live with the rug and enjoy it. That's what it's all about. If you find yourself so fearful of walking on your rug that you're not comfortable in the room, then we've missed our job and that is to make sure that the rug brings a comforting element to the room, not one that says "don't come in here," and "Don't walk on me." That seems foolish.

So you see, decorating doesn't have to be drab and boring.  Take the time to mix it up a bit when it comes to patterns, and don't be afraid to experiment with textures to turn your home into an inviting, exciting work of art.  Most importantly, DON'T BE AFRAID TO ENJOY IT :)

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